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Finding Faith

Resumen del Libro

Libro Finding Faith

Our sin nature is designed to talk us out of God’s promises. To separate ourselves from our sin nature and follow the path God laid out for our lives, we will need to rely on faith. Finding Faith will share the keys of faith we need to use to unlock all of God’s promises for our lives. Finding Faith is a guide to equip us with the knowledge and understanding of how God designed faith as a tool we can use to change the future of our lives. Faith is special to God, and it is the only currency we have to see His will done in our lives. When we find faith for God’s will to be done in our lives we will not be worried about our circumstances because we are so confident in God to take care of all our troubles. In Finding Faith, John Simmons uses scripture and his engaging testimony to lay out a foundation for understanding the concepts of faith. John also outlines practical application that we can use today to mature in our faith. Finding Faith will answer all the basic questions about faith, but goes onto explore how: – Our level of faith is measured by how we see our future – We will find joy in our lives when we find faith – The faith we learn from our relationships will increase our faith in God – To overcome adversity, doubt, and our past through faith – To recognize if we are walking in faith – God answers our faithful prayers and much more

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Cantidad de páginas 268


  • John Simmons


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