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¿Qué Son Las Estructuras Naturales?

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Libro ¿Qué Son Las Estructuras Naturales?

This book looks at natural structures such as plants, animal bodies, mountains, caves, rock formations, and icebergs, the materials from which they are made, and their colors, shapes, and textures. It shows structures made by animals, such as beehives and bird nests. This wonderful book with amazing photos will encourage young readers to notice colors and shapes in nature and how they relate to the purpose of structures.

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Más libros de Bobbie Kalman

La fotosintesis

Libro La fotosintesis

Photosynthesis is the basis for all life on Earth! This exciting and sensitive book looks at how plants take a gas that is poisonous to people and animals and, with the help of the Sun, create food and oxygen for all creatures. Children will delight at learning about the little chloroplast factories inside the leaves of plants and become aware of how important plants really are! Children of all ages will love this book!

Se Contar

Libro Se Contar

One dog in a teacup, two caterpillars on a leaf, three horses having a conversation... Fun photographs and simple text help introduce young readers to counting numbers from zero to ten. A fish-counting activity encourages young readers to practice their counting skills.

MIS Sentidos Me Ayudan

Libro MIS Sentidos Me Ayudan

Young readers are introduced to the five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Each spread in this fun book features one sense. An activity asks children to guess which foods on the page would taste sweet, sour, salty, or spicy.

Otros libros de Juvenil No Ficción

Una mano al corazón: Mejorando las comunidades

Libro Una mano al corazón: Mejorando las comunidades

Introduce readers to the various ways they can participate in volunteerism with this Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Readers will discover many different charities and programs, including The Salvation Army, Feeding America, Habitat for Humanity, and Doctors Without Borders through vivid images, charts, and informational text. This nonfiction title aids in encouraging children to make a difference in their own communities by writing to newspapers or politicians or by participating in fund-raising and various programs or charities.

El teatro Nō en relatos breves

Libro El teatro Nō en relatos breves

El autor de este ensayo ha experimentado con el Teatro Nō. El libro supone un acercamiento apasionado a un género exótico y también como manual de aproximación a uno de los valores artísticos del acervo cultural de Japón. A ser el Teatro Nō un arte clásico del Japón que basa sus temas en leyendas e historias más antiguas que él, algunas de procedencia china, puede parecernos un arte exótico o poco familiar si lo comparamos con nuestra tradicional forma de escenificar. Introducido a modo de breves narraciones puede sernos más fácil adentrarnos en su mundo profundo, acervo...

En sonoros acentos

Libro En sonoros acentos

El maestro Yanguas (1682-1753) fue coetáneo de Johann Sebastian Bach (16851750) y Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757); Aragüés (1712 ca.?-1793) lo fue de Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787) y Tommaso Traetta (1727-1779) y Bernardo del Manzano, que muere en 1805, de Carl Stamitz (1745-1801) y Luigi Boccherini (1743-1805). En España trabajan en este periodo Scarlatti, Farinelli, Corselli, Brunetti o Boccherini, pero también Francisco Valls, Pedro Rabassa, José de Nebra, Antonio Rodríguez de Hita, Francisco Javier García Fajer, Francisco Manalt, Joseph Teixidor o Melchor López. Sólo este...

Dexter por dos/ Double Dexter

Libro Dexter por dos/ Double Dexter

Dexter is displeased. Like any self-respecting, totally decent, soundly homicidal guy, Dexter Morgan takes great pride in his work and is careful to remain anonymous. As his colleagues grow more paranoid of the killer in their midst, Dexters position is increasingly perilous. He is running out of time to track down this copycat.

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