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Libro Libra

In our increasingly turbulent world, many of us are looking to the sky to find guidance in the ancient art of astrology. In Libra, Stella Andromeda will tell you everything you need to know about your astrological life as the scales. Learn how to harness the ancient power of the zodiac and open your mind to what the universe can offer in ways you never would have imagined. With advice that covers everything from self-care to sex, this little book is your key to a very starry future.

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Cantidad de páginas 112



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In our increasingly turbulent world, many of us are looking to the sky to find guidance in the ancient art of astrology. In Leo, Stella Andromeda will tell you everything you need to know about your astrological life as the lion. Learn how to harness the ancient power of the zodiac and open your mind to what the universe can offer in ways you never would have imagined. With advice that covers everything from self-care to sex, this little book is your key to a very starry future.

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