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El Arte de la Seducción

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Libro El Arte de la Seducción

Both men and women possess a formidable weapon that allows them to captivate others. However, not all take advantage of this ability. Where brute force has no place and is socially unacceptable, seduction becomes a valuable tool. Seduction allows us to achieve almost anything: conquer the beloved, earn appreciation from peers, create a path into the business world, achieve political power, persuade others to do as we wish, and impose our ideas on others without offending or pressuring them. Gain knowledge of the nine types of seducers, and discover which you identify with best. Learn 24 strategies to create an irresistible spell and overcome the resistance of others.

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Más libros de Robert Greene

Guía Rápida de Las 48 Leyes del Poder

Libro Guía Rápida de Las 48 Leyes del Poder

Whether we like it or not, we live in a world ruled by conflict and fierce competition, a world that requires us to always be alert and to constantly to take action. If we are not careful, if we don't react in time to the challenges given to us, if we let others control and make decisions for us, we are lost. This quick guide takes us back to the basic ideas of the controversial yet indispensable book by Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power, which has been read by millions of people worldwide. Not only is it a reflection on power, but it is also a practical instrument for those who wish to...

Otros libros de Autoayuda

La Ley de la Atraccion

Libro La Ley de la Atraccion

Los tres principios más importantes revelados por la ley de atracción: ¡Somos, literalmente, lo que pensamos! ... ¡Lo que tú deseas te desea! ... ¡La acción es clavé!

Messages of Love and Peace 2: Feeling the Love of God

Libro Messages of Love and Peace 2: Feeling the Love of God

A book full of inspiring messages of love to have a life more in faith, peace, knowing that God is always present. In life it is important to keep God in mind, seek his guidance and listen to what he has to say to us. In this book there are short messages of love that you can read daily depending on how you feel. They are words of encouragement, wisdom, guidance, love... This is one of 3 books where you will find messages full of joy, love, peace and comfort. They will help you remember who God is. It is as if He were speaking in your ear, whispering words of love, of faith and He will remind ...


Libro Ansiedad

Además, este libro atiende la necesidad de individuos que son propensos a ataques de ansiedad debido a la naturaleza de su trabajo, una experiencia traumática previa, especialmente durante la niñez, y personas que tienen un desorden psicológico que indica un cociente emocional más bajo.



Este libro, por medio de los testimonios de 31 personajes, profundiza magistralmente en la idea de que en nuestra mente está el poder que nos llevará al éxito, y para ejercerlo hay que llenarla de pensamientos y actitudes positivas. Somos lo que pensamos que somos y también lo que actuamos y de lo que nos rodeamos. Por ello es fundamental modificar nuestro entorno, y guiados por el pensamiento positivo acercarnos a aquellas personas que se asemejan a lo que queremos llegar a ser, o de las que podemos aprender algo.

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