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DOS Perros y Una Abuela

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Libro DOS Perros y Una Abuela

Juancho wanted a dog so badly that he draws one. Since it is his own creation, it is the perfect dog for him and they get along very well. Sadly, one day the dog vanishes. But Grandma saves the day?

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Cantidad de páginas 32


  • Olga Monkman


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Libro Sex-On

Un libro con consejos sobre educación sexual para adolescentes, por la creadora del canal de YouTube Íntimas Conexiones con Raquel Graña. Sex-On responde a las principales dudas relacionadas con el sexo que los adolescentes trasladan a la autora, tanto en las clases y talleres que imparte como en las redes sociales. El libro alterna un relato dinámico, divertido y realista con numerosos recuadros con consejos prácticos que tratan temas tan variados como frecuentes en la vida de todos ellos: la primera regla, los complejos, la masturbación, el bullying, la orientación sexual, el uso del ...

La verdadera ciencia del viaje en el tiempo (The Real Science of Time Travel)

Libro La verdadera ciencia del viaje en el tiempo (The Real Science of Time Travel)

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Los pastizales africanos (African Grasslands) 6-Pack

Libro Los pastizales africanos (African Grasslands) 6-Pack

Journey to Africa to explore the world of the grasslands! Readers are taken on an adventure through the grasslands to learn about the various animal and plant life and grassland conservation in this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction book that features striking photographs and riveting facts. Even the most reluctant of readers will be captivated as they move from cover to cover. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Los átomos y las moléculas

Libro Los átomos y las moléculas

Stem Technology Is A Very Important Topic In Today's World And This Book Will Allow Students To Learn More About Atoms, Molecules, And How Different Temperatures And Situations Affect Them. It Also Introduces Them To The Periodic Table Of Elements And How Even Today More Elements Are Being Discovered And The Periodic Table Continues To Grow.

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