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Libro Daimonion

Dati Amon wants to be free from his satyr master and he hates his job--hunting human children who display demon balefire. Every hunt has been successful, except one. A thwarted attempt ended up as a promise to spare the child of a white witch, an indiscretion Dati hopes Master never discovers.But Master has devilish machinations of his own. He needs human-demon hybrids, the Daimonion, to raise the Dark Lord to the earthly realm. If Master succeeds, he will be immortal and far more powerful.The child who was spared is now a man, and for the first time in three hundred years, Dati has a reason to escape Master's chains. To do that, Dati makes some unlikely alliances with an untrained soulless witch, a self-destructive shape shifter, and a deceitful clairvoyant. However, deals with demons rarely go as planned, and the cost is always higher than the original bargain.

Ficha Técnica del Libro


  • Brenda Streater Jackson
  • J.p. Jackson


  • Libros Electrónicos

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