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Libro Sagradas

#ElPresenteEsNuestro ¿Cómo se concibe lo femenino alrededor del mundo? «Las diosas, en todas sus modalidades, son indispensables para conocer la evolución de las culturas en su totalidad.» Quede la presente obra de arte como una puerta abierta para la reflexión de lo femenino en diversas cosmovisiones.

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Tñitulo Secundario : 50 diosas de todo el mundo


  • Valeria Hipocampo


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Otros libros de Juvenil No Ficción

¿Qué Son Los Recursos? (What Are Resources?)

Libro ¿Qué Son Los Recursos? (What Are Resources?)

Young readers may have heard about the benefits of using and making the most of their resources, but how does that factor into an economic discussion? This thorough discussion defines resources and describes the different types of resources and why some divide them into three categories and others choose four. The book also addresses the concept of scarcity, showing readers how, because all resources have their limits, it is important to use them responsibly and efficiently in a healthy economy.

Que Es Un Acuerdo? (What Is Compromise?)

Libro Que Es Un Acuerdo? (What Is Compromise?)

In order for any democracy to function well, understanding how and when to compromise is a necessity. This book introduces students to how compromise makes governing possible. Using examples of how compromise works in their own lives, students will gain a better understanding of how compromise work on a larger level. Conversely, readers will also learn that compromise may be the wrong course of action in some situations and that some issues are of such critical importance or high moral worth that standing firm is appropriate.

Jabón Artesanal

Libro Jabón Artesanal

INCLUYE RECETARIO CON VARIAS RECETAS Aprenderás a elaborar auténticos jabones naturales mediante el llamado “proceso de saponificación en frío”. Este tipo de jabones artesanos limpian en profundidad todo tipo de pieles, especialmente las pieles delicadas y sensibles. No contienen ningún tipo de detergente y son ecológicos y biodegradables. Aprenderás a personalizarlos con diferentes propiedades para cada tipo de piel. Hacer jabones en casa es barato. Los ingredientes necesarios para hacer jabón son económicos y fáciles de conseguir. Además, puedes hacer los jabones para tu...

Cristóbal Colón (Christopher Columbus)

Libro Cristóbal Colón (Christopher Columbus)

Christopher Columbus most likely wasn’t the person to discover the Americas. He wasn’t even the first European to do so! Despite that, his three trips to the Western Hemisphere led to many more European explorers heading in that direction. In this volume, readers familiar with Columbus’s travels on the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria can learn who Columbus was beyond his travels. Supported by full-color and historic images, interesting main content turns what readers think they know about the life of Columbus on its head while expounding on an important period in the history of the world.

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