¡primera Caída! (El Enmascarado de Terciopelo 1)/ First Fall!
Resumen del Libro

¿La sensibilidad se lleva bien con los luchadores? Desde su debut, el Conde de Terciopelo se ha empeñado en demostrar que no hay luchador más rudo que él. El ring no es un lugar para débiles, el chiste es apabullar a todos para llegar al estrellato. Pero, la verdad, el Conde es de naturaleza sensible, y su carrera podría irse a pique por eso. Lo que pasa es que desde chiquito le enseñaron a aguantarse como los machos y cosas por el estilo. Últimamente le afecta lo que la gente piense de él, su enemigo acérrimo le hace burla y, para colmo de males, la niña que entrena a su rival ha descubierto su punto débil y está maquinando un malévolo plan contra él. Acompaña al Enmascarado de Terciopelo y sus amigos en su intento por no perder su encanto personal sin dejar de imponerse en las luchas. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Is being sensitive ever a good attribute for wrestlers to have? Since his debut, Count Velvet has been determined to prove that there is no wrester tougher than him. The ring is no place for the weak; the idea is to crush everyone and that way rise to stardom. But truthfully, the Count is of a sensitive nature, and his career could go downhill for that reason. Since he was little he was taught to be brave like a man and toughen up during difficult situations. Lately, what people think of him is affecting him, his bitter enemy makes fun of him and, to make matters worse, the girl who trains his rival has discovered his weak spot and is plotting a malicious plan against him. Come along with the Velvet Masked Wrestler and his friends as he attempts to win his matches and not lose his personal charm in the process.
Ficha Técnica del Libro
Cantidad de páginas 192
- Diego Mejía Eguiluz
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