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MIS Orejas Son Enormes y Peludas (Fennec Fox)

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Libro MIS Orejas Son Enormes y Peludas (Fennec Fox)

What has hairy paws, a fluffy tail, and huge and fuzzy ears? If you guessed a fennec fox, you're right! This book introduces early readers to a mystery animal by describing its features, one by one, using short simple sentences and eye-popping full-color photos. At the end of the book, the secret animal is revealed across a colorful, two-page spread. Young children will love showing off their beginning reading skills as they learn about this dazzling collection of wild and wonderful zoo animals--one clue at a time! Fast facts and habitat maps at the end of the book provide children with key information about the zoo animal. The clear text, clever design, and exquisite photos are sure to delight and engage emergent readers.

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Cantidad de páginas 24



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