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Mírame, puedo hablar más!

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Libro Mírame, puedo hablar más!

Using the world famous Total Physical Response (known world-wide as TPR), teaching method, once again Blaine uses his exciting technique of blending physical actions with interesting story lines to get the students talking, reading, and writing. This second series of stories continues to build vocabulary while focusing on more advanced grammatical concepts common to second year language classes (i.e., use of infinitives, reflexive verbs, direct and indirect object pronouns, preterite vs. imperfect, etc.) Students are excited to tell stories and create their own

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  • Blaine Ray
  • Joe Neilson
  • Dave Cline


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Otros libros de Lengua Española

Amiguitos, Tesoritos, Colores

Libro Amiguitos, Tesoritos, Colores

Cada tomo está compuesto por un grupo de cuentos con moralejas y mensajes para los niños. Los niños aprenden sobre otras personas, otros lugares, culturas, costumbres y animales.

La identificación de los sujetos nulos en el español no nativo [microform]

Libro La identificación de los sujetos nulos en el español no nativo [microform]

The research of this thesis was completed within the framework Chomskian's Principles and Parameters model of acquisition. A detailed analysis of individual production of null-subjects and pronouns in non-native Spanish speakers was carried out in order to determine its relationship with verbal morphology. The fact that the production data available to us for this thesis is part of the investigation project "Classroom Second Language Acquisition: Beyond Parameters," directed by the professor Juana Munoz Liceras, and that this study is a longitudinal analysis of the acquisition of Spanish by...

Nuestra Señora de París

Libro Nuestra Señora de París

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