Barcelona Llibres

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Marcha hacia delante

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Libro Marcha hacia delante

Act out the story of Sophia, a young girl who is nervous about moving to a new town and having her life change. By hearing her grandmother's story about immigrating to America, Sophia learns that making a change and moving forward can lead to very good things! The roles in this Spanish script are written at different reading levels. This feature allows teachers to use differentiation strategies to assign specific roles to students in a way that accommodates individual reading skills. By using differentiation, teachers can get all students involved and engaged in the same activity, whether they are struggling or proficient readers. Everyone can feel successful and can enjoy building fluency through performance! While performing this story with others, students can also practice interacting cooperatively and using expressive voices and gestures. With an accompanying poem and song for additional fluency practice, this script is a dynamic resource for your first and second graders. This colorful, leveled script is sure to get all students participating and confidently practicing fluency in a way that many other texts cannot.

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Cantidad de páginas 20



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Más libros de Christine Dugan

¿Dónde va tu dinero? (Where Does Your Money Go?) (Spanish Version)

Libro ¿Dónde va tu dinero? (Where Does Your Money Go?) (Spanish Version)

Discover the different ways that people spend, save, and budget their money. Readers are introduced to important personal financial aspects such as savings accounts, budgets, budget analysis, credit and debit cards, and taxes. Through Spanish-translated informational text, vivid photos, and helpful graphs and charts that assist in implementing mathematical skills such as percentages, readers will be encouraged to save and spend their money wisely and responsibly.

La exploración del espacio (Space Exploration) 6-Pack

Libro La exploración del espacio (Space Exploration) 6-Pack

Learn about outer space exploration, from the Hubble telescope to the latest space shuttle launches, in this delightful, Spanish-translated nonfiction title! Readers will learn about famous astronauts, the history of exploring space, and what the future holds for space exploration through vivid images and photographs, informative text, and intriguing facts. With a glossary and index, readers will want to learn all they can about exploring space! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

¿Dónde va tu dinero? (Where Does Your Money Go?)

Libro ¿Dónde va tu dinero? (Where Does Your Money Go?)

Discover the different ways that people spend, save, and budget their money. In this Spanish-translated nonfiction title, readers are introduced to important personal financial aspects such as savings accounts, putting together a budget and budget analysis, credit and debit cards, and taxes. Through informational text, vivid photos, and helpful graphs and charts that assist in implementing mathematical skills such as percentages, readers will be encouraged to save and spend their money wisely and responsibly.

Otros libros de Juvenil Ficción

Mis Amigos Me llaman Monstruo

Libro Mis Amigos Me llaman Monstruo

"Michael Munroe estaa aprendiendo cosas nuevas esta semana: nunca confaies en una maestra que cree en monstruos; ni se te ocurra entrar en su casa; y mantente alejado del huevo gigante que tiene en su aatico, sobre todo si estaas a punto de romper." --From publisher's description.

Los culitos

Libro Los culitos

Enzo está confuso: ¿dónde harán caca los culitos? Culitos diferentes, cacas diferentes, lugares diferentes... Un libro para aprender que cada caca tiene su sitio.

Pájaro azul

Libro Pájaro azul

Considerado por The New York Times como uno de los libros infantiles más notables de 2013 y recomendado por la American Bookseller's Association, este sorprendente álbum ilustrado ofrece, tras su aparente sencillez, un emotivo y profundo acercamiento a temas tan universales como la soledad, la amistad y la muerte. Asimismo, presenta un acercamiento a uno de los problemas sociales más preocupantes de nuestro tiempo: el acoso escolar. Es la historia de un chico retraído y tímido que hace amistad con una pequeña ave. Esta última se convierte en una peculiar aliada del chico y lo ayuda a...

Los Derechos de La Infancia- Children's Rights

Libro Los Derechos de La Infancia- Children's Rights

Ten leading contemporary children's writers from Spain and Latin America--including Eliacer Cansino, Gloria Cecilia Díaz, Gonzalo Moure, and Ana María Shua--have created short stories based on the UNICEF's Charter of Children's Rights. Each one lends itself perfectly for classroom discussion. The complete text of the charter is included at the end of the book.978846960124\\The lone tree on Peace Street is rather grouchy. He especially does not like it when kids climb him. When autumn comes, his mood sours even more. He becomes so dried out, the town decides he must be cut down. The children ...

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