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Llama 002

Resumen del Libro

Libro Llama 002

NOOMA is a new format for spiritual direction. It's short films touching on issues that we care about, that we want to talk about, and it comes in a way that fits our world. It's a format that's there for us when we need it, as we need it, how we need it.We love our jobs, we love our kids, we love a good burrito. When love is defined so broadly, it loses its significance. We may confuse friendship, commitment, or lust with love, but God intended us to experience something far deeper. Audio: English. Subtitles: English, French, German, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish.|NOOMA is a new format for spiritual direction. It's short films touching on issues that we care about, that we want to talk about, and it comes in a way that fits our world. It's a format that's there for us when we need it, as we need it, how we need it.

Ficha Técnica del Libro


  • Zondervan Publishing Staff
  • Rob Bell


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