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La vida manda y otros textos

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Libro La vida manda y otros textos

This edition comprises selected examples of the Cuban writer Ofelia Rodriguez Acosta' s prose, including her best known novel and samples of her short stories, essays and journalism works. These texts range from raw realism to lyrical exaltation; from the direct portayal of the historical moment to the meticulous insight of the human psyche. Her peculiar naturalism bloomed under the influence of the philosophical currents of her times, encompassing echoes of Positivism, but after a passionate discussion against Existentialism her writing steerer towards the Latin American avant-garde literature that without any conflict simultaneously approached metaphysics and political commitment. Together the foreword essay and the selected examples offer a survey view of her style and ideas in the convulsive decades of 1930 to 1950 Cuba, a key to understand the development of Modernity on the island. Ofelia Rodríguez Acosta, undoubtedly occupies a place in this feat. We hope that this book continues the growing academic work determined to recover her voice. This book is much more than an excellent edition of the novel «La vida manda» by the all-important Cuban feminist Ofelia Rodríguez Acosta. In addition to including a selection of other texts by the author, in her introduction Madeline Cámara highlights with sharpness and intelligence the importance of naturalism, feminism and mysticism in the work of Rodríguez Acosta. From now on, every study on Rodríguez Acosta will have to take into account this magnificent contribution made by prof. Camara.

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Cantidad de páginas 258


  • Ofelia Rodríguez Acosta


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