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La magia naranjeña

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Libro La magia naranjeña

Theaterstück in spanischer und teilweise englischer Sprache für die spanische Theatergruppe der AAU Klagenfurt.

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Cantidad de páginas 88


  • Sebastian Heidler


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Otros libros de Juvenil No Ficción

¡dios Cuida de Mí!

Libro ¡dios Cuida de Mí!

¿Te preguntas cómo es Dios? Dios es amor. Dios es bueno. ¡Dios lo controla todo! Él es más grande que las ballenas, el océano y el universo entero. ¿Sabes que eres importante para Dios y Su amor está alrededor tuyo? En este libro descubrirás cómo es Dios y lo que Él quiere contarte. Have you wondered what God is like? God is love. God is good. God is in control of everything! He is bigger than the whales, the ocean and the whole universe. Do you know that you are important to God and His love is all around you? In this book you will discover what God is like and what He want to...

Harriet Tubman

Libro Harriet Tubman

In this biographical book, young readers will learn about the brave life of Harriet Tubman. Readers will discover how Tubman bravely escaped from her life as a slave to cross the Mason-Dixon line into freedom and how she helped hundreds of other slaves into freedom through the Underground Railroad with the help of abolitionists. The vivid images, stunning facts, and supportive text work in conjunction with the helpful glossary, index, and timeline of Tubman's life to give readers an engaging experience as they move from cover to cover. This book has been translated into Spanish.

El D’a de Martin Luther King, Jr.

Libro El D’a de Martin Luther King, Jr.

It is the third Monday in January and school is closed. But do you know why? It's Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Turn the pages of this book to find out what dream Dr. King shared with the world, who Mohandas Gandhi was, how one brave woman helped Martin Luther King Jr. change history. Each book in the Holiday Histories series describes one of America's holidays or special days. Explore the history of each day and learn the real reason why it is important. Discover what special meaning each day might have for you.

Chistes en la escuela

Libro Chistes en la escuela

Escritor, docente y periodista, Silveyra rescata de la propia escuela "semillero de historias y anécdotas" lo mejor del folclore infantil y lo vuelca en estas páginas, colmadas de ingenio y buen humor.

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