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Keys to the Elementary Classroom

Resumen del Libro

Libro Keys to the Elementary Classroom

Best practices to help you start the school year in a powerful way! This updated edition of the bestseller, Keys to the Classroom, provides new teachers with strategies for establishing clear classroom procedures and building a foundation for a successful first year. Readers will find a practical, easy-to-use guidebook that includes lesson plans, tips for organizing the first day, and sample parent letters in English and Spanish. The third edition features: - An added chapter on planning and creating the classroom environment - Voices of novice and experienced teachers - Updated assessment materials - Revised instructional materials for English as a second language - New classroom activities

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : A New Teacher's Guide to the First Month of School

Cantidad de páginas 206


  • Carrol Moran
  • Judy Stobbe
  • Janette Miller


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