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Hazlo Simple

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Libro Hazlo Simple

Thousands of therapists and coaches around the world are learning acceptance and commitment therapy. ACT is proven-effective in treating depression, anxiety, stress, addictions, and myriad other psychological issues. This book is ideal for newcomers and experienced ACT professionals alike.

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Cantidad de páginas 544


  • Russ Harris


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El Lenguaje Del Cabello

Libro El Lenguaje Del Cabello

Your hairstyle can reveal much about you and others. Natural hair color or dyed, curly hair or completely smooth, artfully styled or natural - all this and much more reveals so much about people! Learn more about hair - let yourself be carried away by Eric Standop in the world of hair.


Libro Antiestrés

These smaller-format books give sixty tips on how to reach personal goals such as loosing weight, reducing stress, or dealing with headaches. Each two-page spread gives an overview, specific examples, sources of additional information, and a summary. La colección SALUD nos orienta a través de diferentes test hacia las respuestas que mejor se adaptan a nuestros problemas en particular, utilizando una serie de recursos de fácil aplicación como: medicina herbolaria, masajes, relajación, nutrición, etc. Los temas de la colección son los que presentan mayor preocupación para la mujer...

La Grandeza De Kobe Bryant: Su Vida, Logros Y Claves Del Exito

Libro La Grandeza De Kobe Bryant: Su Vida, Logros Y Claves Del Exito

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La vida es corta - póngase sus pantalones de fiesta

Libro La vida es corta - póngase sus pantalones de fiesta

Loretta La Roche has helped millions of people find ways to lighten up and overcome stress. Now, in Life Is Short--Wear Your Party Pants, she gives you the tools you need to not only reduce feelings of tension, but also to bring joy, passion, and gusto into your life. Her techniques are a brilliant blend of old-world common sense and the most contemporary research in brain chemistry, psychology, and mind-body studies. Loretta gives you dozens of proven techniques for recognizing the ten simple truths that will lead you to an intense, happy, successful life: resilience, living in the moment,...

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