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Libro Guadalupe

When looking at historical photographs of Guadalupe residents, one sees the faces that represent the area s unique and diverse past. Originally inhabited by the indigenous Chumash and mapped by Spanish explorers, Guadalupe was first named in the 1840s Mexican land grant honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe, the title given to the Virgin Mary. Through the years, waves of immigrants made their way to Guadalupe to take advantage of the fertile soil and unique geographic features, the most prominent of which are the Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes, which contain some of the tallest sand dunes on Earth and have been visited by locals and tourists for the last century and a half. It was in the 1920s that Hollywood discovered them and began introducing distant audiences to the region through the cinematic tradition that continues today."

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Cantidad de páginas 127


  • Doug Jenzen And The Guadalupe-nipomo Dunes Center


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Otros libros de Historia



This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute...

Madrugada sin retorno

Libro Madrugada sin retorno

Esta novela narra la historia de Pablo, "alcalde republicano", pero podía ser la de cualquiera de los 2936 represaliados del franquismo que fueron fusilados entre 1939 y 1944 en las tapias del Cementerio del Este de Madrid. El 1 de abril de 1939 terminó la guerra civil española, pero comenzó la erradicación medida y calculada de miles de partidarios de la República. El nuevo régimen impuesto se encargó de depurar a los defensores de la libertad, mediante los juicios sumarísimos que se sucedieron durante aquellos trágicos años, sin garantía judicial para los acusados. Uno de los...

Madrileñas de armas tomar

Libro Madrileñas de armas tomar

A lo largo de la historia, la mujer madrileña no se ha parecido a otro tipo de mujer. Ya fuera manola, chispera, maja o chulapona; ya se empleara como modistilla, aguadora, lavandera, castañera o cigarrera, respondía al perfil de la hembra de mirada altiva, ojos penetrantes, lágrima fácil, honesta, batalladora, conquistadora en el amor y visceral en la defensa de su propia dignidad. Con arrestos para responder a quien la humilla, es desprendida y dadivosa, tiene achares y anda pronta al desprecio cuando se la engaña. Sangre de mujer madrileña para derramarla en gestas históricas, en...

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