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El inventor: Benjamín Franklin: Read-Along eBook

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Libro El inventor: Benjamín Franklin: Read-Along eBook

Act out the story of famous inventor and statesman, Benjamin Franklin! This historical script takes readers on a journey with the curious Benjamin as he experiments with electricity, goes to London to fight for colonists' rights, and helps with the Constitution of the United States. The six roles in this Spanish-translated script are written at different reading levels, supporting differentiation and English language learner strategies. Teachers can easily implement these strategies by assigning specific roles to their students in a way that best accommodates readers of all levels. All students can participate in this activity, helping them gain confidence and feel successful while building fluency! An accompanying song and poem about the garden gives readers exciting additional opportunities to engage in the story and build fluency. Students will also practice other important skills like reading aloud, interacting cooperatively, and using expressive voices and gestures while performing this story together. All of the features in this colorful script make it the perfect tool for a diverse classroom of Spanish-speaking learners to practice repeated reading and fluency!

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Cantidad de páginas 24


  • Melissa A. Settle


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