Barcelona Llibres

Gran biblioteca de libros en formatos PDF, EPUB y MOBI

Libros de Various Authors (4 libros)

10 Historias de Hadas

Libro 10 Historias de Hadas

10 historias con hadas como protagonistas, bellamente ilustradas y que disfrutarán muchísimo nuestras pequeñinas.

Princesas de Cristal

Libro Princesas de Cristal

Suffering from an eating disorder is an emotional experience that can be devastating for the teenagers and their families. With the healing that comes from recovery, some patients need to explain their experience to prevent others from suffering the same. This book is an example of that.

21 Dias Para Renacer

Libro 21 Dias Para Renacer

There is a three-week path capable of leading us to a healthier, longer, and happier life. This work offers us a practical and daily guide formed from recipes and exercises; but also of knowledge. From this path comes renewed body and soul. Reaching an advanced age in good health is possible.

Ati y Su Caja de Besos

Libro Ati y Su Caja de Besos

Ati, the little dragon, is excited to celebrate the his grandmother's birthday. The party guests are his aunts, including the dreaded Aunt Coco, who always asks him for hugs and gives kisses that make him feel uncomfortable. With the help of his grandmother, Ati will learn to use creativity to cope.