Barcelona Llibres

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Libros de Rosanela Álvarez (2 libros)


Libro Arboles

Many animals and insects build their homes in trees or visit trees to feed from their fruit, flowers, and leaves. Trees are not unlike great buildings, where creatures protect themselves—amongst their branches or in the nooks of their trunks—against predators or harsh weather. Trees are also of great use to human beings, as they provide us with food, shelter and medicines. The outstanding photographs in this book show how some animals relate to different tree species, while also revealing curious details of specific trees.

Trote de letras

Libro Trote de letras

Cada letra del alfabeto tiene una historia que contar, pero las letras también son protagonistas de las páginas de este libro, forman palabras y divertidas historias. En el recorrido de la A a la Z, conocerás a los más variados personajes, pero cuando las letras trotan para componer palabras, la lectura se convierte en un verdadero deleite.