Barcelona Llibres

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Libros de Miquel Adrià (3 libros)

Biblioteca Vasconcelos

Libro Biblioteca Vasconcelos

The present edition graphically documents the design, construction and installationof the mega main public library Biblioteca de México "José Vasconcelos" locatedin Mexico City. In 2001 a transformation project of the Biblioteca de México proposal had three main actions: the restoration of the La Ciudadela building, the construction of a more modern and larger building and the establishment of an interchange network between the public libraries in México, where the new library was to be the central node of a national network. The new library that includes surrounding botanical garden was...

Guía de arquitectura, Ciudad de México

Libro Guía de arquitectura, Ciudad de México

Mexico City Architecture Guide is a compilation of more than 150 works of architecture dating from the early 20th century up to the present day. To help orient readers, the guide is divided into five areas and includes seven maps to create a comprehensive panorama of the Mexican megalopolis. Each project includes details about the relevant architects, location and year of construction, as well as public transport information. The texts, photographs and maps created for this guide give fresh shape to the city. Now available in an English-language edition for the first time, Mexico City...

Francisco Serrano : complete works

Libro Francisco Serrano : complete works

A lo largo de 40 años, el despacho de Francisco J. Serrano ha construido un vasto conjunto de obras que reflejan tanto la madurez de su lenguaje como la solidez de su oficio, diseñando con igual versatilidad edificios corporativos y grandes desarrollos de vivienda, la ampliación de la Universidad Iberoamericana y la nueva Terminal del Aeropuerto de laciudad de México. Este libro recoge los hitos más significativos de su trayectoria.