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Libros de International Monetary Fund (3 libros)


Libro Uruguay

This paper estimates cyclically adjusted balances for Uruguay, and discusses methodological and practical implementation issues. In line with standard practice, this paper assumes aggregate fiscal revenue elasticity equal to one. The study also focuses on the cyclically adjusted primary balance, so interest payments are excluded from the analysis. It also estimates Cyclically Adjusted Balances (CABs) for both the consolidated public sector and the general government. The economic development and the credibility of the inflation target are discussed. This study identifies the drivers of the...


Libro Ecuador

Output growth, inflation, and the external current account balance are the major economic developments discussed in this study. The macroeconomic framework was modified to reflect recent information. The reforms in the banking system are helpful in completing the process of dealing with the failed banks. The authorities are contacting international financial experts to manage the debt reductions. Finally, the central government will need to be vigilant in implementing its challenging financing program. The program contains several prior actions to complete the first review.

Informe Anual 2010

Libro Informe Anual 2010

El Informe Anual a la Junta de Gobernadores pasa revista a las actividades y políticas del FMI durante un ejercicio determinado. Consta de cinco capítulos: 1) Panorama general, 2) Evolución económica y financiera mundial, 3) Políticas para lograr un crecimiento mundial sostenido y equilibrado, 4) Reforma y fortalecimiento del FMI para poder respaldar mejor a los países miembros y 5) Finanzas, organización y rendición de cuentas. Los estados financieros completos correspondientes al ejercicio se publican por separado y también están disponibles, junto con los apéndices y otros...