Barcelona Llibres

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Libros de Douglas J. Moo (2 libros)

Comentario de Romanos

Libro Comentario de Romanos

Our culture does not encourage thoughtful reflection on truth. Yet living the gospel in a postmodern culture demands that Christians understand and internalize the truth about God and His plan for the world. Paul's letter to the Romans remains one of the most important expressions of Christian truth ever written. Its message forces us to evaluate who we are, who God is, and what our place in this world ought to be. Going beyond the usual commentary, this volume brings the meaning of Paul's great letter into the twenty-first century. Douglas Moo comments on the text and then explores issues in ...

Romanos / Romans

Libro Romanos / Romans

LOS COMENTARIOS BIBLICOS CON APLICCION NVI nos ayudan con las dos partes de la tarea interpretativa, es decir, tambien nos ayudan a aplicar un mensaje otra epoca a nuestro contexto actual. Esta serie no solo nos explica lo que significo para los lectores originales, sino que nos demuestra que tambien hay un mensaje poderoso para la iglesia de hoy."