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Astrologia Para La Vida Real. Manual de Trabajo

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Libro Astrologia Para La Vida Real. Manual de Trabajo

A fun and sassy no-nonsense invitation to the practice of astrology with easy-to-understand tools for self-development and conscious living. Astrology books are typically either overly simplistic sun-sign books or overly complicated chart calculations filled with astro jargon. Astrology for Real Life goes beyond simple sun-sign interpretation and at the same time cuts through the complications of horoscope analysis to make understanding your chart in depth, simple and easy. The goal is to make astrology accessible to total newbies and provide a working reference guide for intermediates. The book is presented in workbook format exploring each part of chart interpretation―signs, planets, houses, aspects―with exercises following each chapter and fill-in-the-blank lessons that take the reader through all the just-learned steps. The tone is warm, fun, and personal, and the exercises give the reader experiential hands-on practice. The end result: once you learn the basics in Astrology for Real Life, you can easily navigate the cosmos by making them work for you. It's kind of like a roadmap where we begin by understanding the terrain and the tools available. From there, the planets will guide you in making brave, excellent choices in love, work, and life. It's profound, fun, and practical. You'll learn how to interpret your chart with confidence and use astrology in a practical, proactive way, with no astro excuses (blaming the stars for your issues).

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Cantidad de páginas 380


  • Theresa Reed


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