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18th The Observer Of Genesis. The Science Behind The Creation Story- Large Print

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Libro 18th The Observer Of Genesis. The Science Behind The Creation Story- Large Print

More than 300,000 books sold! Genesis, the seven days of Creation ... Where does the text that makes up the first part of the Bible come from? Is its text a mere introductory poem ... or is it a narrative? What s behind its words? Alberto Canen has found an alternative way to answer these and other questions in the Genesis. He has found a route no one had been to before, and invites the reader to discover it and make their findings with him. The author has found that hidden in the bottom of the plot there is someone. Someone who observes; someone who tells. Someone who tells what he observes. And a place, a location from which he observes. The location of the observer. The key to an exciting puzzle. The Genesis has been a mystery for thousands of years. No one had been able to understand what the text spoke about, whether it was just an introductory poem to the Holy Scriptures, or it actually contained information about the Creation. The text of Genesis divided the waters of creationists and scientistics long until today. With this book I hope to dilute this separation between scientistics and creationists since I have discovered the key that unifies both worlds. I think the key to the mystery of Genesis is to understand that it is narrated by someone. A narrator of Genesis. Someone who observes the vision God gives him and from there he tells what he observes and he observes it from his human and earthly location. This earthly and accurate location is the key to understanding Genesis.

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Cantidad de páginas 240


  • Alberto Canen


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