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Ready to Order

Resumen del Libro

Libro Ready to Order

Set in the restaurant of a fictional London hotel, "Ready to Order" provides language training for students working in the challenging food and beverage industry. The text s 12 units use the storyline and dialogues to present and practice basic functions, vocabulary, and grammar.Learning, culture, and language tips provide useful examples in context.Glossary includes all key vocabulary from the text plus other essential industry terms, designed for students to translate terms into their native language.An Audiocassette contains all the model dialogues used in the student coursebook.Teacher s Resource Book offers unit-by-unit support, activities for mixed-ability groups, photocopiable materials, and more."

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Elementary English for the Restaurant Industry

Cantidad de páginas 111


  • Anne Baude
  • Anna Iñesta
  • Montserrat Iglesias


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Aprender Griego - Fácil de Leer - Fácil de Escuchar - Texto Paralelo: Curso en Audio, No. 1

Libro Aprender Griego - Fácil de Leer - Fácil de Escuchar - Texto Paralelo: Curso en Audio, No. 1

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Como vuela la pelota

Libro Como vuela la pelota

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