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Ministerio hispano

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Libro Ministerio hispano

Timothy Matovina, a leading speaker and expert on the growth of Hispanics in the Catholic Church in the United States, offers a timely and much-needed introduction to ministry with Hispanic Catholics. Written in Spanish for pastoral ministers preparing for or involved in Hispanic ministry of all kinds, Ministerio hispano is an accessible guide to the history, spirituality, potential, and pastoral needs of Hispanics in the Church in America. More than 30 million people in the United States identify themselves as Catholic and Hispanic, according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University. CARA also notes that Hispanic Catholics accounted for about 40 percent of all growth in parishes between 2005-2010. Drawing on his personal experience with Latino culture and decades of working with Hispanic parishes, Timothy Matovina--codirector of the Institute for Latino Studies at the University of Notre Dame--provides a basic introduction suitable for the variety of leaders working in Catholic parishes. This essential booklet explores five key dimensions of ministry with Hispanic Catholics: A brief history of Hispanic Catholics in the United States How Hispanics are transforming parishes The importance of apostolic movements such as Cursillo and Charismatic Renewal Liturgy, and popular devotion, especially to Mary Faith formation of children and young people With discussion and reflection questions and a key text from a Church document at the end of each chapter, the booklet is ideal for use in small-groups and formation programs. The book is available only in Spanish.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Una introducción

Cantidad de páginas 96


  • Timothy Matovina


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