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Lingüística hispánica actual: guía didáctica y materiales de apoyo

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Libro Lingüística hispánica actual: guía didáctica y materiales de apoyo

Lingüística hispánica actual provides step-by-step instructions on how to plan, design, and teach introductory Hispanic Linguistics courses. It is a versatile resource, which can be used in conjunction with Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual: teoría y práctica. It contains an answer key for all the activities in the main textbook. It also includes additional activities, with clear and accessible explanations for students and instructors, and can accompany other existing texts and courses on Hispanic Linguistics. Features include: • A comprehensive selection of materials which gradually introduce students to the main areas of Hispanic Linguistics: General Linguistics, Phonology and Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics, History of the Spanish Language, Language Variation, and Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching. • A wide range of carefully-crafted classroom and homework activities, essay questions and research projects to engage students and enrich their learning of Hispanic Linguistics. • Detailed guidance on how to successfully implement each activity in the classroom, suggestions for how to expand and adapt activities for different needs, and a full annotated answer key for instructors to save time planning and implementing lessons. • An extensive bilingual glossary of terms for each of the disciplines covered in the guide helps teachers introduce key concepts and terms in the classroom. Lingüística hispánica actual provides a wealth of activities specially designed to make learning Hispanic Linguistics more dynamic and enjoyable for students.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Cantidad de páginas 330


  • Javier Munoz-basols
  • Manel Lacorte


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