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El mundo de la infancia y otros temas alusivos en la narrativa realista y fantástica de Ana María Matute

Resumen del Libro

Libro El mundo de la infancia y otros temas alusivos en la narrativa realista y fantástica de Ana María Matute

Childhood is a fundamental theme in the works of Ana Maria Matute, and also one of the key issues for the study of the aesthetic narrative of the writer. This thesis presents an analysis of the image of childhood in the works of Matute written for adults, observed in two distinct literary contexts: that of the realistic novels and of the fantastic works. This division also corresponds, though not mathematically, to the two creative periods of the writer, so that the continuity and evolution of both the theme and the aesthetic techniques throughout the author's entire literary career can be observed. The analysis which concerns the realistic works of Matute contains three chapters: firstly, approaches to the child antihero, which includes subtopics such as the Cain theme, the infantile cruelty, and the death in the childhood; secondly, an analysis of the aesthetic techniques that contribute to the subjective descriptions of the identity of child; thirdly, an observation of the relationship between the Matutian Child and the external world. In the part entitled "Childhood in the fantastic works of Ana Maria Matute", we have used as corpus fantastic works of the second period of Ana María Matute and showed how the world of children is adapted to a new fantastic and medieval environment. The analysis also includes three sections: a discussion of the continuation/renewal of the topic mentioned above; the analysis of some secondary fantastic characters related to the theme of childhood; finally, a systematic study of the symbolic objects in the works of Ana María Matute.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Cantidad de páginas 364


  • Xiaojie Cai


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