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Dragon's Blood

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Libro Dragon's Blood

Excerpt: ...examined their sponsor. In the outer darkness, Heywood craned and listened till neck and shoulders ached. He could make nothing of the florid verbiage. With endless ritual, the crawling novices reached the arch of swords. They knelt, each holding above his head a lighted bundle of incense-sticks, --red sparks that quivered like angry fireflies. Above them the tall Master of Incense thundered: -- "O Spirits of the Hills and Brooks, the Land, the swollen seeds of the ground, and all the Veins of Earth; O Thou, young Bearer of the Axe that cleared the Hills; O Imperial Heaven, and ye, Five Dragons of the Five Regions, with all the Holy Influences who pass and instantly re-pass through unutterable space: --draw near, record our oath, accept the draught of blood." He raised at arm's length a heavy baton, which, with a flowing movement, unrolled to the floor a bright yellow scroll thickly inscribed. From this he read, slowly, an interminable catalogue of oaths. Heywood could catch only the scolding sing-song of the responses: -- "If any brother shall break this, let him die beneath ten thousand knives." "--Who violates this, shall be hurled down into the great sky." "--Let thunder from the Five Regions annihilate him." Silence followed, broken suddenly by the frenzied squawking of a fowl, as suddenly cut short. Near the chink, Heywood heard a quick struggling and beating. Next instant he lay flattened against the wall. The shutter grated open, a flood of light poured out. Within reach, in that radiance, a pair of sinewy yellow hands gripped the neck of a white cock. The wretched bird squawked once more, feebly, flapped its wings, and clawed the air, just as a second pair of arms reached out and sliced with a knife. The cock's head flew off upon the tiles. Hot blood spattered on Heywood's cheek. Half blinded, but not daring to move, he saw the knife withdrawn, and a huge goblet held out to catch the flow. Then arms, ...

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  • Henry Milner Rideout


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