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Brothers of the Light

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Libro Brothers of the Light

The Penitente Brotherhood reenact the Passion of Christ through self-mortification of the flesh and emulation of His crucifixion each year in New Mexico during the Catholic Lenten season. This vital sect of ancient Spanish Catholicism has been shrouded in controversy and secrecy until this author's balanced exploration of its origins, rituals, and ceremonies. De Aragon includes descriptions of their art and their albados, or hymns, which are published here in both Spanish and English.

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Cantidad de páginas 258


  • Ray John De Aragon


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Otros libros de Religión

Angeles En La Tierra / Angels On Earth

Libro Angeles En La Tierra / Angels On Earth

Este libro no pretende ser un estudio biblico exhaustivo de los ángeles según la Biblia – hay muchos libros que tratan ese tema. Los ángeles son tan reales y la mayoría de las personas han tenido por lo menos una experiencia sobrenatural o inexplicable. En este libro de ángeles comparto mi experiencia, como así también la de muchas otras personas. Trataremos temas como:¿Cuál es el propósito de Dios para los ángeles?¿Qué aspecto tienen los ángeles?¿Cuántos ángeles hay?¿Debemos adorar a los ángeles?Nuestro ángel guardiánY además leerás relatos impactantes y verdaderos...

El triunfo del Inmaculado Corazón de María

Libro El triunfo del Inmaculado Corazón de María

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Corazones que escuchan

Libro Corazones que escuchan

Presents the unique approach of Listening Hearts to the spiritual practice of discernment for a new generation. Written to make the often elusive and usually clergy-centered spiritual practice of discernment accessible to all people, Corazones que escuchan/Listening Hearts features simple reflections and exercises drawn from scripture and from Quaker and Ignatian traditions. The seminal work in the Listening Hearts Series, this bestselling book has been a beloved resource for tens of thousands of individual readers, retreat participants, small groups, and church leaders listening for and...

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