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Algun Dia Volvere a Buscarte

Resumen del Libro

Libro Algun Dia Volvere a Buscarte

In 1982, when he was just three years old, Samir was abandoned by his mother on the beach of El Saler. She blindfolded him and said: Don't move, I'll come right away. But she never did. No one knew why she did not return and that child ended up in a juvenile center with no other identity than his name and a handful of memories. Samir grew up among orphans and disinherited from the world, but with the determination to have a chance in life. Thirty years after his mother left him on that beach, Samir is no longer a helpless child, but a captain of the Valencia Judicial Police. However, his past will return to search for him mysteriously. The discovery of the body of a young woman, murdered hours before at the same point where he had been abandoned as a child, will not seem to be a coincidence. The fact that she had her name and her phone number, either. Captain Santos will begin an investigation that will become a puzzle where the pieces of his past and that of his mother will end up being fundamental to discover the truth about that corpse. After all, deep in his being, Samir had always hoped: that one day his mother would come back to look for him. The author constructs the story alternating past and present in a fluid and rhythmic way, knowing that a novel requires not only a good story, but a powerful writing.

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  • Jose Javier Arias Artacho


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